Description | PCR products and double-stranded DNA were digested with appropriate restriction enzymes to completion to yield 14 bands, ranging from 250 pb – 25 kb, for molecular weight standards in agarose gel electrophoresis. The 1,000 and 3,000 base pair bands have increased intensity to serve as quick reference points. Approximated mass of each DNA band is provided (for a loading size of 5 μl of the DNA ladder) for approximating the mass of DNA in comparably intense DNA samples of similar size. Total DNA concentration for all bands combined is 103.2ng/μl. |
SKU | G248 |
Applications | For approximating DNA size and amount on agarose gels. |
Bands | 14 |
DNA Range | 250bp-25kb |
Note | Concentration of this marker is 104 μg / ml |
Suggested Load | Mix gently by pipetting up and down a few time, then directly load 5 μl into well of gel. |
Shipping Conditions | Shipped on blue ice packs. |
Storage Condition | Store @ 4°C for up to 3 months or -20°C for up to 24 months. |
Unit quantity | 500 μl/100 loads |
Is it ready for use? | |
Yes, it is ready to use. Just load suggested volume (5ul) to the well. |
What is the smallest size agarose gel can separate? | |
That is around 300bp for 1% agarose and 100bp for 2.5% agarose. With anything smaller than the dye, there may be separation but it will be difficult to tell when the fragment will run off the gel. |
Are the Opti-DNA markers compatible with radiolabelling? | |
Our lab has not tested the Opti-DNA markers for this particular application, but we believe it shouldn"t be a problem. The Opti-DNA markers should be compatible for radio-labelling. |
特性 | 中号ega ˚F 我 ™˚F idelity | 乙拉斯 Ť aq ™ | Ħ ot小号挞 Ť 水溶液 |
校对 | 是 | 没有 | 没有 |
保真度(相对于本地Taq) | 1300倍 | 1倍 | 1倍 |
特异性 | ●●●● | ●●● | ●●●● |
延伸速度 | 20-30秒/ kb | 15秒/ kb | 60秒/ kb |
目标长度 | 15-20 kb | 10-15 kb | 6 kb |
适用于TA克隆 | 没有 | 是 | 是 |
格式 | 酵素(G896) 主混合物(G897) | 酵素(G895) 万事达(G984) | 酶(G011 / G039) 主混合物 (G906) |
专刊 | 保真度和灵敏度 | 快速而强大 | 高特异性 |